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What Is Vulvodynia?

外阴痛是无法解释的疼痛,在你的外阴,外部女性生殖器区域. 这种疼痛没有明显的原因,可能会持续数月或数年. This condition makes sex, wearing tampons, 长时间坐着或穿紧身裤不舒服. 

对于没有经历更年期的女性来说,外阴痛是性生活痛苦的主要原因. You may find it embarrassing to talk about, but discussing your symptoms with a health care provider is important. 外阴痛的治疗是可行的,可以显著改善你的生活质量和情绪健康. 

Our women’s health providers 犹他健康大学的妇科外科医生是治疗这种复杂疾病的专家. 大发娱乐的外科医生已经治疗了500多名病人,治愈率达到90%. 

Types of Vulvodynia

There are several types of vulvodynia. 大多数女性在同一部位疼痛,这被称为局部性外阴痛. 多部位疼痛或从一个点移动到另一个点称为广泛性外阴痛. Both types can occur anywhere in your vulva, including the:

  • 阴蒂,位于阴道口顶部的敏感肉块,  
  • inner thigh,
  • labia, the folds of skin around your vaginal opening, and 
  • perineum, the area between your vaginal opening and anus. 

Touch or pressure may provoke (or cause) vulvodynia. Or it can occur spontaneously without any external stimulation.

Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome

外阴前庭炎综合征,或称前庭痛,是最常见的局部性外阴痛类型. 它发生在阴道口周围被称为前庭的组织中. 

Vulvodynia Symptoms

Pain in your vulva is the primary symptom of vulvodynia. The pain may be constant, or it may only happen occasionally. 
Many women say the pain feels like a burning sensation. It could also feel like:

  • itching,
  • painful intercourse (dyspareunia),
  • rawness,
  • soreness,
  • stabbing, 
  • stinging, or 
  • throbbing.

Can Vulvodynia Feel Like a UTI?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs when bacteria grow in the urinary tract. A UTI causes pelvic pain and pressure, burning with urination, and needing to urinate frequently and urgently.

你可能会把外阴痛和尿路感染混淆,因为在这两种情况下,尿液都可能引起外阴灼烧感. 然而,外阴痛,你不会有尿路感染的尿频和尿急.

Vulvodynia Causes

Doctors don’t know exactly why the condition happens. 然而,病毒和性传播感染(STIs)不会引起它. 

Possible causes include: 

  • allergies or skin sensitivities,
  • hormonal imbalances,
  • injuries or trauma to the vulvar area,
  • muscle spasms,
  • past vaginal infections, or
  • 支撑膀胱、子宫和卵巢的骨盆底肌肉无力或紧绷.

Can Birth Control Cause Vulvodynia?

Oral birth control can cause vulvodynia when pills alter hormone levels in the vulva, making the tissues dry and painful. As a result, you may feel pain during sex. Changing the type or dosage of pills may reduce symptoms.

Can Endometriosis Cause Vulvodynia?

The lining of the uterus, or womb, is called the endometrium. If the lining grows outside the uterus, it’s called endometriosis. 这种情况会导致月经加重、肌肉疼痛和排尿时疼痛. 

Endometriosis doesn’t cause vulvodynia. 然而,它会使你的骨盆肌肉受伤,从而导致外阴疼痛.

How Long Does Vulvodynia Last?

外阴痛是一种慢性疾病,这意味着疼痛至少持续三个月. However, some women experience symptoms for longer—even years. 

Can Vulvodynia Go Away?

Vulvodynia may go away without treatment, 但如果你感到疼痛,你应该去看医生. It’s important to identify and treat the source of the pain. 

What Causes Vulvodynia to Flare Up?

Pain in your vulva can occur for many reasons, including:

  • 用水或其他溶液冲洗或清洁阴道内部,
  • exercise, especially bike riding,
  • inserting tampons,
  • scented soaps or bath products,
  • sex,
  • 坐得太久,尤其是穿着潮湿的运动服或泳装,或者
  • wearing synthetic underwear like nylon or polyester.

Vulvodynia Treatment

Treatment is a trial-and-error process. You may need to try several treatments or a combination, including: 

  • oral or topical medications to stop nerve pain,
  • 放松骨盆底组织和肌肉的物理疗法,或者 
  • surgery to remove tissue where you feel pain. 

Vulvodynia Medication

Medicines alleviate vulvodynia symptoms in a variety of ways. 

Topical creams or ointments numb the painful area. 你可以在性交或盆腔检查前使用这种药. 


激素乳霜和凝胶直接应用于外阴改善血液流动,促进胶原蛋白生长. 胶原蛋白是一种天然的蛋白质,可以增强皮肤、组织和肌肉的弹性. 

Vestibulectomy Surgery

如果药物和物理治疗不起作用,你可以通过前庭切除手术来缓解疼痛. The procedure removes the vestibule tissue where you feel pain. 

该手术适用于总是感到阴道口周围疼痛的局部性外阴痛的妇女. 如果你感到阴蒂或阴唇疼痛或者疼痛转移到你外阴的不同部位,这不是一个选择. 

You’ll be asleep during the surgery, which takes about an hour. First, 外科医生会切除神经末梢集中的前庭组织表层. 接下来,外科医生缝合患处,并用药物防止感染. 

Vestibulectomy Recovery

After your procedure, you’ll go home the same day. Once you get home, you should: 

  • apply ice to reduce swelling and pain, 
  • 将你的外阴浸泡在温水中以减轻疼痛和防止感染(坐浴)
  • take pain relievers to manage pain.

You’ll need to rest for the week after surgery. Then, limit movements for three to five weeks while your body heals. After eight to 12 weeks or when fully healed, 你将开始物理治疗来加强你骨盆底的肌肉.

Vestibulectomy Complications

虽然任何手术都可能出现并发症,但前庭切除术的并发症很少见. The formation of a Bartholin’s cyst is the most common complication. 巴托林腺体位于阴道口两侧,在性交过程中润滑阴道. 

前庭切除手术可能会阻塞腺体,使其无法释放天然润滑剂. If this happens, the glands become large and painful. 你通常可以通过家庭疗法来控制这种情况,比如坐浴, but in severe cases, you may need surgery to drain the glands.

Vestibulectomy Success Rate

Surgery for vulvodynia is highly effective. 研究表明,前庭切除手术为78例患者大发娱乐提供了显著的缓解.5 % of women and 89% have pain-free sex after the procedure.

Vulvodynia Home Remedies

You can reduce symptoms at home with these remedies.

  • Apply cold compresses during flare-ups. 用毛巾把冰块或凝胶包好,然后敷在生殖器上.
  • Avoid bubble baths or using soap directly on your vulva. Instead, wash gently with cool water and lightly pat dry.
  • Don’t use scented bath or laundry products. Rinse your underwear twice to remove any potential irritants. 
  • Practice yoga and other stretching exercises. 避免活动,如骑自行车或骑马,对你的外阴施加压力.
  • 沐浴后在你的外阴上涂一层凡士林,作为衣服和生殖器之间的屏障.
  • Rinse your vulva with cool water after urinating or having sex.  
  • 坐在一个甜甜圈形状的泡沫枕头上,消除外阴的压力.
  • Soak in a lukewarm sitz bath twice daily for 5-10 minutes. Epsom salts or oatmeal can help ease symptoms.
  • Use water-based lubricants before sex. Avoid contraceptive creams or lubricants with scents or flavors. 
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing like skirts or baggy pants. 
  • Wear cotton underwear instead of synthetic fabric. 

Why Choose U of U Health?

U of U Health的专家专门使用药物治疗和手术治疗女性外阴疼痛. 大发娱乐的妇科医生治疗的外阴痛病例比其他任何诊所都多,已经成功治愈了500多名患者. 相信大发娱乐的外阴痛专家会大发娱乐你找到缓解外阴疼痛的方法, either through medicine, therapy, or surgery. 

Make an Appointment

您可以致电801-213-2995预约大发娱乐的妇女健康服务大发娱乐提供者,或向您的 physician to refer you to our program. 

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